Grong Grong surfaces in Memphis; Sula's video gets industry attention; African wild dogs arrive in New Orleans; etc

A year ago, the dogs and I arrived in Atlanta after finally finding gas and access to money in northern Mississippi. But you can read all about that in my book, or in the archives here.

Meanwhile, back in the present, a journalist in Memphis contacted me to let me know that Grong Grong, the dog Brando was in love with before the storm, is now living in Memphis.

Jambalaya is still awaiting adoption at a shelter in Ohio, but the staff loves her and have been feeding her a little too much--apparently she's a little chubby.

Sula's video with me was selected by The Book Standard for their weekly column highlighting the best author videos.

My appearance on C-SPAN is, quite unexpectedly, available on DVD.

"The Dogs Who Found Me" continues selling like hotcakes over at

And tomorrow, I'll be going to the zoo to see African Wild Dogs.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for the updates, Ken. I JUST finished your book last night -- stayed up late just because I didn't want to put it down. (Feel a little sad today that it's over -- really enjoyed it!)

Anyway -- nice book, great dogs. Thanks.