From the West to the Midwest

I just got back from the west coast and already I'm getting ready to head to the mid-West tomorrow morning. Things seemed to go well in San Francisco and Portland. Lots of brindle dogs showing up at the readings, lots of pit bulls, and lots of people will pictures to show me on their Blackberry devices. At The Booksmith, Dogs I Have Met is the #1 non-fiction trade paperback, above even Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat, Pray, Love. One crazy thing though: most of the listings for all my events were wrong. A friend had warned me about this; mercury is retrograde. I'm never sure how much I believe in that stuff, but in this case, it may be the only logical explanation.

Meanwhile, tomorrow (Thursday October 18) I'll be at the Wisconsin Library Assocation's annual meeting, followed by a reading at Reader's Loft in Green Bay at 7pm.

Friday I'll be doing two events in Evanston, details are at the CARE site.

Saturday I'll be with New Leash on Life at Kiehl's in downtown Chicago from 1-3pm.

And Saturday evening I'll be at Quimby's with Elizabeth Crane and others at 7pm. (Along with some dogs from ARFhouse).
