A familiar looking dog...

A familiar looking dog...
Originally uploaded by kfoz.
This little man (and I'm not talking about the dogcatcher) looks like a smaller version of my dog Brando. When I saw him in the Times Picayune this morning, I couldn't help thinking that Brando would probably be equally stubborn if I'd left him behind to fend for himself for a month. The paper reported that the dog got away and is still living on the barren streets of the city.


Anonymous said…
At first glance I thought that was Brando. Brando has a prettier coat than this dog though. And Brando is definitely bigger.

Hope you and the dogs are doing well.

I may be in Tally in a few weeks for my swearing in. I passed the bar.

Take care,

Anonymous said…
Brando be stubborn? No way.
Ken Foster said…
Brando is stubbornly waiting for you to visit!