New Fiction: Life in the Wake: Fiction from Post-Katrina New Orleans

I spent most of yesterday at the NOLA Bookfair, which was held all along Frenchmen Street. I did a morning signing with Sula, who was in high spirits, hugging strangers and kissing other dogs as they passed. Sula was doing that, not me. Then I returned in the afternoon with Zephyr, who was reunited with her old dogsitter from Florida, Tom Kay. I also got my first look at Life in the Wake, a new anthology from NOLAFugees. It features one of my new short stories, "Thinking Outside of the Box," as well as new fiction from a bunch of other New Orleanians, such as Anne Gisleson, Berman Black, Ed Skoog, Patty Friedmann, and more. My story deals with some relief workers who arrive with a not-so-genuine agenda.
