Progress in New Orleans: garbage pickup and a magazine in the mail!

This week the city is beginning regular, twice a week, garbage collection for the first time since the hurricane. For the past sixteen months we've been making due with 0-1 pickups each week. For my neighborhood this would occur sometime between 5am on Tuesday, and 11pm that night. Or sometimes not at all.

Also, sometime over the summer, the federal government lifted its ban on magazine delivery via the mail in New Orleans. Of course, most of our subscriptions had expired during that time. But I managed to get the New Yorker and Entertainment Weekly to restart my subscriptions, but Time Out New York is another story. Everytime they tell me that my thirty remaining issues will begin to be delivered again, they follow up with a post card telling me that the post office says my address is undeliverable.

The funny thing is, I actually write for Time Out, so you'd think I might be able to get the thing sent to me.


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