Nate status: Dead Fucking Asshole

There was a moment during Six Feet Under tonight when I really thought I might vomit: Nate, his head bandaged from brain surgery, his right side paralyzed, gets a visit from Maggie, the Quaker he screwed before having a stroke/seizure, and the two them make flirty google eyes at each other and talk about how they have no regrets. I wanted to strangle them both.

Then his pregnant wife Brenda comes and promises that they can work through their problems together. "Not we," he says.

And then I knew for sure that he had to die, although I wish he'd been dead from the start of the episode. What I would have given for an extra hour of him dead and gone!

Meanwhile, the writers and directors tried to leaven the situation (why? it is a show about death, idiots) with a side story about Nate's mom in the woods with an old flame. They dragged out all of the now annoying schtick that she's gone through in all of her romances, to pad the episode out. Please, don't delay a death we've all been so happily waiting for!!!


Anonymous said…
What the hell is wrong with you? Nate is one of the most intriguing and fascinating charactres in the history of tv drama. Why would you wnat him dead at the start, the episode entitled 'Ecotone' was amazing, one of the best episodes they've done. I admit the beginning was rather slow, but it was realistic and they had to have had another story arc (ruth and hiram) continuing elsewhere or else the whole episode would have all the focus on Nate and that would have been more harder to do. Plus it was interesting to see Hiram and Ruth back up on the hills. It reminded me of season 1 when Ruth had the fantasy about the big bear in the woods. The moment whee she knocks off each of the different boyfriends and husbands she had was rather funny, it gave the episode some humour, which was probably hard to do as the main arc of the episode was about the sudden death of the main character. Peter Kruase was fantastic in this episode and so was Lauren and Michael who play Claire and David. There is no doubt the haunting dream sequence at the end left you wnating to follow Nate into the ocean, it did remind me of Nate's vision of him walking into the ocean in ep 1 of season 2 and of the flashbacks when he thought lisa had walked into the ocean to kill herself. and the 'quaker chick' you continue to refer to is Maggie and Maggie had alot to go through, her and Nate are in love, I believe it. It was hard for Nate to let her go and I believe after watching it all he's much better of with her rathr than Brenda as it is a sad thing to say, but its true.
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