The Busy Season: Sankofa Marketplace, New Orleans Film Festival take over the schedule

I'm bracing for an insanely busy weekend, beginning tonight with the opening of the New Orleans Film Festival. Tonight, I'll be introducing Mike Leigh's new film Happy Go Lucky at Canal Place; tomorrow night, I'll be introducing another British film, How to Be, followed by a Q and A with actor Robert Pattinson via phone and Mike Pearce in the flesh. On Monday at the Prytania, I'll be introducing War Eagle, Arkansas (which has some really great performances) and hosting a Q and A with the producer afterwards.

And tomorrow from 10-3pm, I'll be at the Sankofa Marketplace at St. Claude and Caffin, with fresh produce including shrimp, sweet potatoes and more. Also, great live music throughout the day, health screenings, arts and crafts, and so on.
