Evacuating New Orleans, again

I just boarded up my house and I have the food and clothes packed. But since I know from experience that it may be some time before we return, I keep finding little errands to distract me from the main event.

It looks like Gustav will hitting Louisiana hard, although this time the West Bank is the target. Still, the heavy rains will no doubt produce some flooding. The city is pretty quiet, as people have been packing and taking off for days. The fact that it is Labor Day weekend helped, since many already had plans to go somewhere.

I had no plans to go anywhere for a very long time, so I'm having a hard time with this.

Friday night I lent a crate to some people down the street who needed a way to get T Bone on the bus. They had recently moved from Michigan and had no experience with hurricanes. Yesterday I helped to distribute pet carriers around town. That's when I started feeling immobilized with anxiety.

I had reservations to the west and to the east. The west is no good now, and the days are booked are too soon to get us through the whole storm, so the dogs and I will now leave and perhaps stay a night in Tylertown before heading to a park in Alabama where we have a reservation in a cabin on the lake.


The Brat Pack said…
What a nightmare. Again.

Be careful...

Maryann & The Brats
Sounds like you are doing your part to get everyone out safely. Be careful!
Anonymous said…
Ken, I'm so glad you left. I hope to meet again one day soon, as we're walking our pooches along the levee.

P.S. Now I may never figure out a way to get Chris Rose to be my boyfriend!
Anonymous said…
I can't believe this is happening again! I'm glad you're leaving. Don't get overwhelmed and paralyzed--just keep MOVING. You and the dogs will be in my thoughts. I know you'll make it.
- Linda
juliec said…
Good luck Ken,Brando, Zephyr and Sula. Hoping this ones a false alarm

Julie Cully
in Hove England
Anonymous said…
Be safe, Ken. Tallahassee's here if you need us.
Anonymous said…
Stay safe, guys.
Anonymous said…
Stay safe, guys. You'll be in our thoughts!
Anonymous said…
Ken, Glad you and the pack headed out of town. Christine and I have been thinking about and hoping you would head out of town ahead of the storm rather than hunker down playing roulette. Be safe and God Bless New Orleans. TK
Deefor said…
Thinking of you and hoping you are safe.

Lacy said…
w00f's ken, nice to meeted u, me seed u on Deefor and Arrows bloggie...me hopes u iz safe....


pps, me iz rocky and me iz 2 years old...