Tour update: Looking for venues in Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago

My tour keeps expanding, but I have a few little holes to fill. The most puzzling is Boston. I went to school in Boston. Every time I publish a new book it makes the Boston papers. When I was on tour with The Dogs Who Found Me, I couldn't get any bookstores to do an event. I ended up doing a fundraiser at the Kiehl's boutique on Newberry Street, and it was featured on Daily Candy, as well as The Boston Globe, which sent a photographer, and the Northeastern News, and I did an interview with WGBH, etc. We sold out of books at twice the retail price. And...once again I can't get a bookstore to do an event with me.

I'm also adding a quick stop in Los Angeles, because I have some interviews there. But everything is apparently booked. Last time, in LA, I did Vromans and Skylight. Both were great events, and a friend helped out with an outdoor advertising campaign. I did radio all around southern California. And, this time around...can't find a store that's interested. (Though, to be fair, I'm adding this date really late, so many places are booked.)

And then there's Chicago. Last time around Time Out Chicago did a feature interview, I did television and radio, and sold out at Kiehl's, Quimby's, a fundraising party and later at a BSL conference. But still no mainstream bookstore will have me.

But maybe they will! If anyone has any suggestions, please email me. But don't worry, one way or another I'll be in those towns, with dogs and books, and people coming to meet us on a street-corner if necessary.


Unknown said…
Do any of those places have an artists' co-op? Here in Shreveport, when West Edge Artists' Co-op had their space they hosted authors. We/they now work in conjunction with Bossier Arts Council to have events. Just an idea...
Anonymous said…

Come back to Philly. I'll help you any way I can.

jennybunny said…
Jamaica Plain (Boston), a very pit-bull friendly neighborhood, has two great bookstores. And it's near Angell Memorial animal hospital. Perhaps you could organize a benefit of some kind?

Rhythm & Muse
470 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain

Jamaicaway Books & Gifts
676 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain

Contact me: jenny [at]

I'm happy to help.