I Dream of Java
Brando's best friend in NYC was Java, a Rhodesian Ridgeback. Once, when I returned to NYC for a memorial, I ran into Java on the street and he rubbed his face up and down both my pant legs, like a letter he was writing for me to take back home.
Lately, I've been having dreams of him. I had one that we met him hiking in the woods, and last night I dreamt that his owner gave him to me to bring back to Brando.
What does it all mean???
Lately, I've been having dreams of him. I had one that we met him hiking in the woods, and last night I dreamt that his owner gave him to me to bring back to Brando.
What does it all mean???
Then the lord said to them:
"Sacrifice my dog, then bring him back to life again," they were told
"Yes," they said.
When they sacrificed the dog
he then came back to life.
And that dog was really happy
when he came back to life.
Back and forth he wagged his tail
when he came back to life.
And the lord said to them:
"Well, you have yet to set my home on fire."