William Hepler Foster, 1932-2009

My father passed away last night, one day short of the anniversary of my mother's death last year and two days short of what would have been their fiftieth anniversary. He had been diagnosed with emphysema in 2007, shortly before my mother's own diagnosis of aplastic anemia, which took her life.

The past year was difficult for him, and for all of us. He learned to use a checkbook--something my mother always took care of--and he acquired a cat, who he named Rex. But a few weeks ago he began to have trouble breathing, and entered extended care with plans to move back home once homecare had been arranged. I was due to fly up to Pennsylvania next week, and spoke to him by phone yesterday afternoon. He was having a lot of difficulty with his voice, and apologized for not being able to speak for long. I told him not to worry--that we would see each other next week and that would make it easier, even if his voice wasn't strong. And I sensed that this could be our last conversation.

More later...


Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry, Ken.
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry, Ken.
So sad to hear of your dad's passing. Be strong - my thoughts go out to you.
Anonymous said…
So sorry for your loss. Am sending prayers your way.
Lisa said…
I'm really sorry to hear that. Peace to you all.
So sorry for your loss...I enjoyed reading about your parents visiting you in NYC - seemed like lovely people. Sending a huge happy pit bull hug your way. May your dad shine on.
Anonymous said…
Sorry for you loss. Stay strong.
Anonymous said…
Thinking about you.
Cynthia said…
I am so sorry to hear about the apssing of your father. I will be praying for you.
Kay Hammock said…

I'm so sorry to hear of your dad's passing.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Kay from NM
Unknown said…
Oh Ken, I'm so sorry to hear this. Let me know if you need mail/newspaper pickup.

Unknown said…
Ken, so sorry to hear about your father. He was a wonderful person- quite a character!
Anonymous said…
Randy and I really, really liked your Mom and Dad, Ken. They were very good to us. Just let us know if there's anything we can do.
Tina said…
Ken, I am so terribly sorry to hear of the loss of your father... I can only imagine what it must be like to lose a parent and hope that you are able to reach around you for support during this trying time. I will keep you in my thoughts. I hope this past week has not been completely dark - I hope you have found time to rest or that you have found some comfort from your dogs. Take care of yourself, ok? God Bless.
TK said…

So sorry to hear about your dad. My thoughts are with you and your family.
