Mississippi Review event this Friday in New Orleans

Press Street
invites you to celebrate the publication of a special issue of
Mississippi Review
600 Poland Ave. (at Chartres)
Friday January 20th
with a wine-tasting from 6-7pm
and a reading (and continued wine drinking) beginning at 7pm.

The evening marks the delayed release of a special issue of the Mississippi Review, guest-edited by local writer Ken Foster. The theme is "Location/Dislocation." The issue, which was completed prior to Katrina, features an essay on the Saturn Bar by Anne Gisleson and a short story--"The Au Pair"--by Oxford-based writer Sean Ennis. Both will be on hand to read from their work along with a few extra readers including Elizabeth Pearce reading the work of Elizabeth Crane. (The magazine also features a diverse lineup of writers including Roxana Robinson, Lynne Tillman, Emer Martin, Raul Correa, Wells Tower, Sheila Kohler, Amanda Gersh, Cynthia Gralla and Lincoln Michel.)
