Joyce Wadler's Fiction

Joyce Wadler--who was until recently the official New York Times gossip columnist--has turned her hand to fiction. What's most surprising is that it is the kind of work--like that of E.L. Doctorow or Caleb Carr, whose apartment she recently profiled--that cleverly mixes real people and real events with her own wacked-out imagination. Even wackier, she's convinced the Times to run these little short stories as if they were actual news items.

Her most recent piece, ”A Tale of Diamonds and Mud”, takes the form of a sympathy plea from Dede Wilsey, who feels she isn't treated nicely in her stepson Sean Wilsey's hilarious book Oh The Glory of It All, which will be published this week by Penguin Press.

My favorite moment comes when Dede channels Dynasty-era Joan Collins to answer a question about how close she is to Sean: "We have seen each other constantly since Sean got out of his last lockup school," she says. How charming.

Or this tidbit regarding how she's saving every clipping regarding the book's publication: "I'm saving these Chronicles for my new puppy's bathroom, so they're becoming very valuable to me. Little Twinkle is going to tinkle on this." Classy!

She's certainly not portrayed as a heroine in the book, but at least her stepson makes her entertaining.

Wadler, meanwhile, seems bitter at having not been allowed access to what she describes as Sean Wilsey's "TriBeCa loft, a very handsome loft according to those who have seen it." I actually have seen it, and it isn't located anywhere near TriBeCa. Oddly, Wadler's slippery grip on reality doesn't stop her from questioning the truth of Wilsey's memoir.

Oh, those gals! Dede and Joyce, what a pair. I can't wait to invite them to my next gala party!!
